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Michigan Agricultural Newspapers Dataset


This dataset is publicly available.

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The full text, PDFs, and metadata available as downloads above are derived from the full set of Michigan Farming Journals available via MSU Libraries' digital repository. For more information as to the content of each newspaper, or to read individual issues online, please see each newspaper's individual home page.

Data Summary

Each journal has 3 affiliated zip files: one containing full-text for each issue; another (much larger) file with all PDFs; and a third containing metadata in two formats: MODS and Dublin Core. The MODS data is more complete and acts as the primary record of each newspaper issue, while the Dublin Core data is less complete but also less hierarchical and perhaps easier to read or parse.

The text, which was produced by OCR using tesseract, is uncorrected and of widely varying quality. Metadata has been applied at the issue (not article) level.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions concerning this data, please send them to the Digital Scholarship Lab.

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